Labels:audio cd | cd rom | clock | compact disk | door | person | sky | tree OCR: Lynn Fischer's Guide Full-Fl to lavor SottKay Low Fat Cooking! aseaa bKH3v Inc. 1996 subsidiary Healthy SoftKey of Indul SoftKey Multimedia Igences International Inc. Cookbook COMPACT 1995 Healthy Living Inc All rights DATA OISC STORAGE MI COMPATIRLE WINDOWS ROSOET Inc. reserved trademark and of Healthy SoftKey SoftKey Indu IS a Igences Multimedia registered trademark of Healthy Living Inc PKH344AE Cr Microsoft. Windows and the Windows logo are registered trademarks Note: By inserting this disk of Microsoft Corporation All other into your CD- ROM drive, you trademarks are the property of their accept the terms of the SoftKey respective owners License Agreement in the accompanying documentation Lynn Fischer's Indulgences CD-ROM for Windows Flavor SoftKay OMPACT disc COMPATIBLE accom npanyin ...